作者外文姓名 Rendtorff, Jacob Dahl. (哥本哈根大學)
出版年/論文發表日期 1998 Aug. 15
文章篇名 Basic Principles in Bioethics and Biolaw (生命倫理與生命法的基本原則)
出版地/發表地點 Boston, Massachusetts
出版者/會議主辦單位 Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy
 As a scientific Rapporteur on a European Union Commission Project in the framework of the Research Programme Bio-Med II, I am currently writing a large report on basic bioethical and biolegal principles in Europe. The principles that are investigated are autonomy, dignity, integrity and vulnerability. Against this background, this paper is a clarification of the foundation and significance of these basic principles in bioethics and biolaw. The task of this paper is to elaborate on the philosophical and conceptual framework of these principles. The point of departure is a discussion of the choice of exactly these principles in the context of the law of the human person as well as of the ethical and legal status of the principles. This leads to the definition and explication of each concept and their mutual relations. It is important to emphasize that the principles, rather than being mutually exclusive, are interdependent and imply each other in the protection of human beings in biomedical research and application. Finally, the definition of these principles will be set in relation to social solidarity and responsibility in the modern welfare state where we experience a transformation of the legal system towards an extended notion of state responsibility and a concern and protection of the vulnerable and weak in European societies.(參閱網址
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