作者中文姓名 The Danish Council of Ethics
出版年/論文發表日期 2005
書名/刊物名 The ethics of patenting human genes and stem cells
出版者/會議主辦單位 The Danish Council of Ethics
 The conference The ethics of patenting human genes and stem cells, held in Copenhagen on 28 September 2004, saw the organizers set out on a difficult task: Initiating an open dialogue between the different shareholders in the conflict over the patenting of genes and stem cells derived from humans. Most often the “professional world” of patent lawyers, administrators and industry, and the “world of non- professionals”, laypeople, politicians, clinicians etc., stand well apart in the discussion on the permissibility of allowing these patents.
 If the two “worlds” cannot be reconciled and find common answers to the ethical concerns of society, the political process will probably never get beyond the deadlock it has been in for so long.
 Although it is difficult to prescribe formulae for ethics that will allow them to be operationalized, it is important to make an attempt to do so, if necessary by practising on different models of dialogue, e.g. through a process of “cooperation despite disagreement”.
 Hopefully, the conference made a step forward in this process. This book includes the manuscripts of the speakers'- all leading experts in the field of patenting - as well as executive summaries of the debate and recommendations from the four 4 workshops.(參閱網址
The ethics of patenting human genes and stem cells 
The ethics of patenting human genes and stem cells
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