專書/出版品/學位論文  下10筆資料
(26) 外文著作
1. Ackerman, T. and Strong, C., A casebook of medical ethics (醫學倫理案例集)
2. Bennett, Gillian., Bodies: sex, violence, disease, and death in contemporary legend
3. Veatch, Robert M., Case studies in medical ethics (醫學倫理的案例研究)
4. The Danish Council of Ethics, Cloning - Statement from the Danish Council of Ethics (複製--丹麥倫理委員會的聲明)
   A unified Council of Ethics rejects human cloning ever being permissible for the purpose of creating a genetic copy of a human being. Although some of the Councils members acknowledge that the intuitive resistance to reproductive cloning cannot be substantiated in a single argument, the members nonetheless unanimously reject permitting reproductive human cloning on the basis of the comprehensive nature of several arguments,
  • cloning will be a violation of human dignity,
  • knowing that he or she has come into being as a clone will have adverse consequences for a person (right to an open future) and
  • permitting research in view of reproductive cloning will reflect a disregard for the respect due to the moral status of embryos.
 The members of the Danish Council of Ethics have different views on which sort of moral status the early embryo possesses. As a result, its members also have different views on the ethical defensibility of undertaking research into early embryos and, in the fullness of time perhaps, developing therapies for serious disorders, treatment of which is based on embryonic stem cells.
 Five members consider the moral status of the human embryo such that embryonic stem cells must not be used; eleven members find that, in principle, embryonic stem cells can be used as long as substantial benefits are available for treating disease.
 Nine of the members able to approve the use of embryonic stem cells in principle, however, find that there is no pressing need at the present to allow embryonic stem cells to be produced for research or possible treatment of disease, either by cloning or by the in vitro technique, as known from IVF therapy. This is because treating severe disease with stem cells is still only a theoretical possibility, and manufacturing embryos for any purpose other than having the embryo become a child may constitute a slide in values. Initially, therefore, these members recommend that research into embryonic stem cells be confined to embryos left over from IVF treatment.
 Finally, two members feel that the use of therapeutic cloning with a view to research into the treatment of severe disorders is ethically acceptable, providing such research is carried out on very early embryos only, compare current legislation.(參閱網址
5. Smith, Wesley J., Culture of death :the assault on medical ethics in America
6. McHaffie, Hazel E., Double trouble: a story of assisted reproduction
   "The Halleys are a close, successful, loving family. But relationships become increasingly complex following the marriages of identical twins Nicholas and Michael. Darker secrets and hidden emotions are revealed when an unplanned pregnancy and a surrogacy arrangement lead to discoveries which challenge their moral values and jeopardise their happiness. This story probes beneath society's superficial acceptance of fertility treatment, revealing the potential for pain, distorted relationships, and far-reaching consequences, both medical and moral."
7. 聯合國教科文組織, Educating Bioethics Committees"  [全文閱讀]
  This guidebook is intended to assist the members of all four forms of Bioethics Committees to pursue their knowledge of the complex multi-disciplinary field of bioethics.

The world of Bioethics Committees is ever changing, often with stunning speed and in unexpected directions. New scientific discoveries, new biotechnologies, new government policies and regulations, new judicial rulings, new international agreements, new professional attitudes, new societal norms and customs, and equally importantly, new bioethical dilemmas and arguments – changes come in a flood and on many fronts. There is a growing consensus that if committee members are to respond effectively to these changes, they must undertake long-term and increasingly intensive education.

Successful Bioethics Committees usually begin the process of education slowly, introducing the process of self-education when they first begin to convene as a group. Bioethics is complex and multifaceted, drawing on philosophy and law as well as science and medicine. Most committee members will lack special training and experience in bioethics, and though they typically have significant expertise in other fields, will be willing to devote some time to this multi-disciplinary field.

This guidebook is intended to assist the members of all four forms of Bioethics Committees to pursue their knowledge of the complex multi-disciplinary field of bioethics. It will provide examples and refer to useful educational resources and directs readers to various materials in pursuit of more intensive education in bioethics. This guide is available in English, French, Arabic and Chinese. (參閱網址
8. Faber, Berit A., End of life--Ethical challenges and problems (生命之終—倫理的挑戰與衝擊)
   This publication consists of a series of three publications in which the Danish Council of Ethics has focused on ethical challenges and problems at the end of life. It is the translation of three reports previously published in Danish. However, we are pleased to present the three reports, "Spiritual Care for the Dying", "Treating the Dying - The Difficult Decisions", and "Euthanasia - Legalizing Killing on Request?", to a still wider audience, as the topics are universal. The three reports were prepared and published successively, from 2002 to 2003, but should be seen as conceptually coherent. The three Danish publications are therefore being published as one in English.(參閱網址
9. The Danish Council of Ethics, Euthanasia (安樂死)
 -- summary of a report for use in the public debate(參閱網址
10. The Danish Council of Ethics, Genetic investigation of Healthy Subjects - Report on Presymptomatic Gene Diagnosis
   Presymptomatic genetic testing is an investigation of individuals at risk of genetically conditioned disease or predisposed to a disease, undertaken before that disease has presented symptoms. The scope of presymptomatic diagnosis is still limited and is confined almost exclusively to relatively rare disorders, for which reason only comparatively few people are confronted with the problems entailed by examinations of this kind. But there is reason to assume that the target group for presymptomatic genetic testing will be extended to include the entire population when the mapping of the human genome provides increased scope for studying popular diseases such as cancer, psychogenic diseases and cardiovascular disorders. The purpose of the report is to focus on the ethical issues linked with the use of presymptomatic genetic testing.(參閱網址
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