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why medical ethics? |
When I lecture to audiences about the Jewish approach to medical ethics, one issue always lurks below the surface: Why medical ethics? And why particularly Jewish medical ethics? Isn't it sufficient to allow the medical field to police itself? Aren't physicians moral people?..... |
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現象學心理學的理論與應用(第二部份):實徵與詮釋兩種應用模式系譜上的對照 |
根據我們在<現象學心理學的理論與應用(第一部份)>的討論,現象學心理學為現象學哲學提供了一個嶄新的向度,那就是系譜現象學。針對超越現象與詮釋現象學之間理論上的困惑,它做了理論與實踐上的翻轉。那就是說,不只是為了符合「是什麼」的客觀理念,精心設計出一套「如何是」的方法步驟,更是根據各種領域裡所充實的各個不同之「是什麼」勾勒出現象學方法「如何是」的一般普遍性。故,繼<第一部份>在理論上的釐清之後,我們將在此第二部份中予以實務上的考察。首先,我們就喬齊(A. Giorgi)的一篇文章而論-<現象學方法作為一種質性研究程序的理論、應用與評價>,以檢討超越現象學下的現象學心理學;其次,我們以余德慧的《詮釋現象心理學》一書做為討論的範本,說明詮釋現象學下的現象學心理學 |
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當代醫事倫理學 |
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推薦好書-故事的呼喚 |
這樣的一位誠懇面對自己與他人的故事的人,帶給我樂意展讀書本的愉悅心情。作者大致在書裡所傳達的,也就是「不要把問題公式化」的想法。我們過去學醫學倫理,總是會去強調什麼自主(Autonomy)、利人(Beneficence)、無害(No-malfeasance)及正義(Justice)原則,這種理論原則的宣達,放到任何一個獨特的倫理情境裡,其實都變得很僵化而無力.... |
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沒用抗生素的雞-李宇宙 |
我必須設法推拒這件奇怪的禮物,一來是不習慣接受餽贈,二來是省麻煩。這種不習慣倒未必是怕違背倫理或和沖犯醫德有關,而是有些餽贈收受可能讓關係變得極為複雜,也許夾雜有害怕欠人情的考量,需要多付出以為回報的擔心... |
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倫理的開顯.生命的療癒 |
所有人類個體都不斷地在人生的機緣裡浮沈,在世間來來去去。在臨留之際,用何種方式面對死亡,絕非只是臨終者的事情,所有與臨終者的關係者都同樣面臨死生相離的艱難。由於這些艱難來自終極處境,凡是參與其中的人幾乎都可以發現所有的遭逢都是根本性的、存有性的。在這處境裡,人的自我造作部分幾乎被剝除掉,赤裸裸地露出人的最底線——我們原來是活在「空」的基礎上,當我們直接望見「空」,甚至對詹納教授這些協助病人及其家屬的旁人,都有「毛毛的感覺」,彷若身處欲哭無淚、問天無語的死寂之地,人們會突然失聲,言語立即被剝奪,人們瞠目結舌,理智完全失去效用.. |
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生病是什麼? 選自-病床邊的溫柔 |
每個重病的開始都是一個句點。正常的生活抵達了終點,另一個完全未知的生活才要啟程。儘管病人焦慮地盤算即將面臨的哀傷和痛苦,可是他並不全然明白接下來的日子會怎麼樣。他認為自己的生命是沒有價值的,甚至無法認出生活的形貌。對生病的人來說,生命似乎不能真正的活著,只是日復一日的忍受... |
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詮釋現象心理學-2001年版序言 |
如果我們堅持心理學是個體的知識,以便與社會學、人類學有所區隔,在某個角度來看心理學必然要走向深度心理學,但是深度心理學被拉岡的精神分析學證明,徒有深度的概念而忽視作為解釋深度機制的語言本身,絕對無法深入心理學企盼的深度。 |
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傅柯是如何修補現象學與倫理學之間的缺口 |
只有當「照顧自己」的原始議題從政治生命中獨立出來為唯一的普遍命題,且成為終身學習的對象時,「認識自己」才成為「照顧自己」唯一的客觀形式.... |
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Who needs medical ethics? |
By Sally Satel and Christine Stolba
February 2001
The greatest risk posed by today's medical ethicists is not that their advice will directly harm patients. Rather, it is that their presence in hospitals and clinics will tempt physicians to restrict their own job description, reserving to themselves the technical management of illness and injury while leaving the human side of the equation to the appointed experts.
收錄於Sally Satel個人網站
http://www.sallysatelmd.com/ |
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Average Clinical Ethicist Salary. Clinical Ethicist Job, Career Education & Unemployment Help |
http://swz.salary.com |
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BBC NEWS - Health - Call for hospital ethics experts |
BBC NEWS對於醫院裡所面臨的臨床倫理衝突,所作的簡短報導。
出自於http://news.bbc.co.uk/ |
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principles of mediccal ethics |
The medical profession has long subscribed to a body of ethical statements developed primarily for the benefit of the patient. As a member of this profession, a physician must recognize responsibility to patients first and foremost, as well as to society, to other health professionals, and to self. The following Principles adopted by the American Medical Association are not laws, but standards of conduct which define the essentials of honorable behavior for the physician. |
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Understanding the clinical dilemmas that shape medical students' ethical development: questionnaire survey and focus group study |
During the past 30 years new medical technologies and public concern about medical ethics have led medical schools in Europe and North America to increase their teaching of formal ethics considerably. Most of this teaching focuses on dilemmas that students may face in their future practice, rather than the ethical problems they encounter as medical students. Several studies and editorials suggest that students' clinical experiences constitute an informal or "hidden" ethics curriculum,[1] which can undermine their developing professionalism. Clinical teachers who act as negative role models, especially those who show unethical behaviour towards patients, is the most frequently cited problematic aspect of this hidden curriculum.[1-5] Previous studies have focused on the prevalence of ethical dilemmas as perceived by students, rather than the nature of the dilemmas that students encounter.[4 5] Our study's premise was that the prevalence and the nature of medical students' ethical dilemmas need to be recognised and understood as a first step in resolving them. |
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the medical journal of australia |