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瑞典:The Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics |
The Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics is an advisory board to the Swedish government on ethical issues raised by scientific and technological advances in biomedicine. |
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法國國家倫理諮商委員會 |
The National Consultative Ethics Committee for Health and Life Sciences was established by a decree signed by the President of the French Republic on 23rd February 1983, and was enacted in the law of 29th July 1994. Now, according to the new law of 6th August 2004, the Committee's mission is to give opinions on ethical problems and societal issues raised by progress in the fields of biology, medicine, and health.
The National Consultative Ethics Committee is now an independant authority and is composed as follows : the President, nominated by the President of the Republic, an Honorary President, and 39 members. Five of these members are drawn from the main philosophies and religious faiths and are designated by the President of the Republic. Nineteen members are chosen because of their qualifications, competence, and their interest in ethical issues. Fifteen members are engaged in scientific research.
The major deliberative level of the National Consultative Ethics Committee is the Plenary Committee on which all members sit.
Cases are investigated by the Technical Section which is composed of twelve members designated by the whole Committee on the basis of the President's suggestions : four of them are from the group of members qualified by their competence regarding ethical matters, and the remaining eight are amongst those engaged in scientific research.
The National Consultative Ethics Committee is a purely consultative body, and it may be tasked by Presidents of Parliamentary Assemblies, members of the Government, an establishment for higher education, a public institution, or an officially recognised foundation whose main activity is research, technological development, or the promotion and protection of health. But there is also the possibility of the Committee taking on matters raised by other persons than those listed above, or by one of its own members.
Each case is investigated by a working group, composed of members of the Committee who may request help from outside experts. The case is examined by the technical section who then decide on its examination by the Committee in plenary session. A final report is drafted and more often than not opinions and recommendations are appended.
The National Consultative Ethics Committee makes the results of its work known in the following ways :
- an annual public conference organised by the Committee on ethical problems in the field of health and life sciences
- press conferences which are organised when the Committee adopts an Opinion.
- a quarterly review called Les Cahiers du Comité. The Cahiers publish the full text of the Committee's opinions, recommendations and reports. Based on the theme of the most recent Opinion, a first chapter publishes official documents, experts' contributions, studies of regulations abroad, or original statements by personalities who are not members of the Committee. Another chapter concentrates on the Committee's recent activity and that of its members.
- via Internet, where all the Opinions and reports of the Committee are available.
The Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) (National Institute for Health and Medical Research) provides technical support to the Committee, in particular by making available for use a Centre de Documentation et d'Information sur les Problèmes d'Ethique dans le Domaine des Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé (Centre for Documentation and Information on Ethical problems in Health and Life Sciences).
The address of the library is : 7, rue Saint-Georges, 75009 PARIS.
Telephone : 33 01 53 86 11 51.
Fax : 33 01 53 86 11 41 .
e-mail : pelpel@comite-ethique.fr
http://ist.inserm.fr:/basiscdei/cdei.html |
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挪威研究倫理委員會 |
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芬蘭:The National Advisory Board on |
The National Advisory Board on Health Care Ethics (ETENE) deals with ethical issues related to health care and the status and rights of patients from the point of view of principle. It can also take initiatives and issue advisory opinions and recommendations on ethical health care issues and foster discussion on them within Finnish society. Welcome! |
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英國Nuffield生命倫理議會:Nuffield Council on Bioethics |
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics examines ethical issues raised by new developments in biology and medicine. Established by the Nuffield Foundation in 1991, the Council is an independent body, funded jointly by the Foundation, the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust.
The Council has achieved an international reputation for addressing public concerns, and providing independent advice to assist policy makers and stimulate debate in bioethics |
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愛爾蘭:The Irish Council for Bioethics |
The Irish Council for Bioethics was established in 2002 as an independent, autonomous body to consider the ethical issues raised by developments in science and medicine. |
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義大利國家生命倫理委員會 |
The National Bioethics Committee
Why a Bioethics Committee?
The setting up of the National Bioethics Committee followed resolution no. 6-00038 approved on 5 July 1988 in which the Chamber of Deputies, among other things, committed the Government to promoting an international level comparison on the state of the art of biomedical research and genetic engineering which might serve as a valid point of reference for future choices in which the progress of science can be reconciled with the respect for human freedom and dignity.
The Committee's Tasks
The National Bioethics Committee was established by a decree signed by the President of the Council of Ministers on 28 March 1990 with the following tasks:
- to make, if necessary by exercising its faculty to access the required information in the existing national operating centres, as well as by liaising with similar committees set up in other countries and other international organizations operating in the sector, an outline summary of the programmes, objectives and results of research and experimentation in the field of the life sciences and human health;
- to express opinions and suggest solutions, also for the purpose of preparing legislative acts, to address the ethical and legal problems that may emerge as a result of the progress of research and the emergence of possible new applications of clinical interest, taking into account the safeguarding of fundamental human rights and human dignity and the other values as expressed in the Constitutional Charter and in the international instruments supported by Italy;
- to propose solutions for the functions of control over both the safeguarding of human and environmental security in the production of biological material and the protection from all risk of all patients treated with products produced by genetic engineering or who are subjected to gene therapy; - to promote the drawing up of codes of conduct for practitioners operating in the various sectors concerned and to encourage the proper informing of public opinion.
Who Can Apply to the Committee?
The National Bioethics Committee is a consultative body of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and it may be tasked by members of the Government, of the Parliament and of other institutions. Associations, research centers, local ethics committees, scholars and single individuals can address themselves to the Committee for information regarding bioethics.
Via della Mercede, 96
00187 Roma (Italy)
e-mail: cnbioetica@palazzochigi.it
Tel. 0039-06-67794601
Fax 0039-06.67794686
The President of the CNB: Prof. Francesco D'Agostino
Former CNB Presidents are: Prof. Adriano Bompiani (1990-1992), Prof. Adriano Ossicini (1992-1994), Prof. Francesco D'Agostino (1995-1998) and Prof. Giovanni Berlinguer (1999-2001). |
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葡萄牙:CNECV |
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瑞士生命醫學倫理委員會:Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethic NEK-CNE |
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奧地利生命倫理委員會 |
In ihrer Beratungstätigkeit für den Bundeskanzler gibt die Bioethikkommission Empfehlungen für die Praxis, arbeitet Vorschläge über notwendige legistische Maßnahmen aus und erstellt Gutachten zu besonderen Fragen. Sie ist in Ausübung ihrer Beratungstätigkeit unabhängig. Ihre Geschäftsstelle ist im Bundeskanzleramt angesiedelt.
Der Bioethikkommission gehören Fachleute aus den Bereichen Medizin (insbesondere Fortpflanzungsmedizin, Gynäkologie, Psychiatrie, Onkologie, Pathologie), Molekularbiologie und Genetik, Rechtswissenschaften, Soziologie, Philosophie und Theologie an.
Die Mitglieder der Kommission sind auf 2 Jahre bestellt. Wiederbestellungen sind zulässig. Die Kommission wird bei Bedarf vom Bundeskanzler oder vom Vorsitzenden einberufen, jedoch mindestens vierteljährlich. Aus dem Kreis der Mitglieder bestellt der Bundeskanzler den Vorsitzenden der Kommission und zwei Stellvertreter des Vorsitzenden auf zwei Jahre.
Seit Oktober 2003 hat Univ.-Prof. DDr. Johannes C. Huber den Vorsitz der Bioethikkommission inne. Seine beiden Stellvertreter sind Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Pöltner und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christine Mannhalter. |
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加拿大生命技術諮商委員會 |
CBAC provides expert advice to the federal government on ethical, social, regulatory, economic, scientific, environmental and health aspects of biotechnology. |
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美國:The President's Council on Bioethics |
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比利時生命倫理委員會:The Belgian Bio-ethical Committee |
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德國國家倫理議會 |
Terms of reference
Following the Federal Government's decision of 2 May 2001, the National Ethics Council was inaugurated on 8 June 2001 as a national forum for dialogue on ethical issues in the life sciences. It is intended to be the central organ for interdisciplinary discourse between the natural sciences, medicine, theology and philosophy, and the social and legal sciences, and to express views on ethical issues relating to new developments in the field of the life sciences and on their consequences for the individual and society. The National Ethics Council has up to 25 members, who represent the scientific, medical, theological, philosophical, social, legal, ecological and economic worlds and are appointed for a four-year term by the Federal Chancellor. As a rule the members hold monthly meetings in Berlin.
The National Ethics Council is independent and bound solely by the terms of reference laid down in its founding decree. It determines its own work programme and procedures.
Opinions, recommendations and reports drawn up by the National Ethics Council on a variety of topics are published. The members of the Council set particular store by work among and with the public.
The National Ethics Council will work together with other bodies concerned with ethics in Germany and with comparable institutions of other States and of international organizations.
The General Secretariat of the National Ethics Council is located in the premises of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. The costs of the National Ethics Council and its General Secretariat are borne by the Federal Government. |
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瑞士國家生命醫學倫理諮商委員會:Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethic |